About Kurtis

Interim Superintendent,
Great Hearts Texas

Indorf Group

2023 Presidential Leadership Scholar

Kurtis Indorf

Organizational Executive | Bridge-Builder | Program Architect

Entrepreneur | Futurist | Strategist | Coach

Kurtis Indorf is the Founder and CEO of the Indorf Group, a venture leadership firm focused on building and scaling for impact. He provides executive capacity during transformational shifts, whether as senior advisor, interim CEO, fractional Chief, executive coach, or board member.

On Mon, Nov 27th, 2024, Kurtis was unanimously voted in by the Great Hearts Texas board of directors to serve as Interim Superintendent. He started four days later on Fri, Dec 1st. Great Hearts Texas serves over 12,000 students in classical K-12 public charter schools across the state. 

Previously, Kurtis was the Founder and President of Great Hearts Nova, a new Great Hearts entity designing, building, and growing revolutionary learning models for students and families. He also served as the Chief Innovation Officer for Great Hearts America, a national education organization serving over 27,000 students in multiple states. 

At Great Hearts Nova, Kurtis and his team launched and grew Great Hearts Online, a best-in-class virtual classical academy and Great Hearts Microschools, a high-quality, community-driven private microschool model. Within Great Hearts Nova’s first year, Kurtis grew a team from 0 to over 110, scaled charter operations into two states, launched Great Hearts’ first private pay offering, designed two new educational models, raised over $5M, and served 1,000+ students.

In 2023, Mr. Indorf was selected as a Presidential Leadership Scholar, a program that brings together bold and principled leaders who are committed to facing critical challenges, both at home and around the world, to explore lessons learned during the administrations of George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George H. W. Bush, and Lyndon B. Johnson. That same year, Mr. Indorf was recognized as a 40 Under 40 honoree by the San Antonio Business Journal.

A proven non-profit board leader, Kurtis has served on multiple charter network boards, most recently as Vice Chair of the Board of Directors for the fastest growing charter network in Texas. He was also a gubernatorial appointee to the Colorado Charter School Institute’s board of directors, an independent state agency for charter authorization.

Mr. Indorf frequently speaks publicly, focusing on the future of K-12 education including parent choice, public policy, market trends, and innovative models. Kurtis serves as an important parent-empowerment and future-facing thought leader, leading sessions and speaking at events for the Harvard Program on Education Policy & Governance, Center on Reinventing Public Education, Texas Public Policy Foundation, National Association of Charter School Authorizers, SXSW EDU, Digital Learning Annual Conference, Texas Public Commissions, and Texas Legislature to name a few.

Previously, Mr. Indorf served as a non-profit Executive Director; a Chief Academic Officer, Chief People Officer, and Head of Schools; and multiple other leadership roles. He started his career teaching English Language Learners in Phoenix, Arizona through Teach for America.

Kurtis received a Master of Science in Education from Arizona State University with a focus in secondary English curriculum and instruction and a Bachelor of Science from Ithaca College in Integrated Marketing Communications and Legal Studies. Kurtis also studied theology and philosophy abroad at Trinity College, Dublin. Born in New York and raised in Vermont, Kurtis and his wife live in San Antonio, Texas and are the proud parents of three strong, smart, and courageous daughters.